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Beth Shields

Artist's Statement

I knew from my first remembered thought that I wanted to draw and paint. That desire has imparted a central theme to my existence. I don't know where my art comes is just there waiting for me to find it. If I don't go looking (meaning work and take risks) it does not get expressed.

Resume of Beth Shields      Instagram: BethShields7903

Contact:    text: 831 234-7371   


Education: 1976  UCLA  Bachelor of Arts in Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Arts


Selected Collections:

Corporate: IBM, TRW, Hughes Aircraft, Visa USA, American Savings, Fidelity Savings, Metropolitan Life, Coldwell Banker, The Sutro Corp., Sitmar Cruise Lines, Brentwood Associates, Mitsu Bank, McCambridge and Dexler, Comptroller of the Currency, San Diego Credit Union, Bailes and Associates, and many others.

Hotels: Cable Beach Hotel in the Bahamas; Ana Hotel in Tokyo, Japan; Maxims in Palm Springs; The Bel Air Hotel; The Hilton, Sheraton, Marriott and Hyatt Hotels in locations throughout the world.

Private: Joe Spano and Joan Zerrien, Gary Goldberg and Diana Meehan, Nathalie de la Roziere, Lynni Hutton, Solanges Dione, Dr. Richard Ellenbogen, Diane Lindsay, Mark McGuire, Dr. Joan Johnson, Stilson Snow, Dr. Beverly Dalby, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eadie, Chris Leone, Christina Floyd, Carolyn Biddick & Alisa Van Dissen, Suzanne Dowling & Marsha Keefer, Mary Offerman, Claire Sanders, Gary Reese and Rini Van Every, Anna Oneglia, Lisa Ford, and many others. 


Selected Exhibitions:

Ongoing Exhibit at the Tannery Arts Center, Santa Cruz  2012 through 2020

Ongoing Exhibit at Gallery 125, Santa Cruz  2016 through 2020

Feb.  2020     Driven to Abstraction: 4 Regional Painters  Vargus Gallery, Santa Clara CA

Jan.   2020     Take Aways  Pajaro Valley Arts, Watsonville CA

Sept. 2019     20/60: Women Artists in Their Prime   Blitzer Gallery, Santa Cruz CA

Jan.   2019     Take Aways    Pajaro Valley Arts Gallery, Watsonville CA

Aug.  2018     Abstract Santa Cruz   Blitzer Gallery, Santa Cruz   CA

Mar   2018     Paradox/Solaire, Santa Cruz CA

Sept.  2017    Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica   50/50

June   2017    Pajaro Arts Gallery   Color!

Oct.   2016    Santa Cruz Art League    Energy and Stillness

Feb.   2016    Blitzer Gallery, Santa Cruz    Abstract Santa Cruz

Sep.   2015    Art Ark Gallery, San Jose CA    Elemental: Earth, Air,Water, Fire 

Feb.   2014    Pajaro Valley Gallery    Off the Wall.

Mar.   2013    Davenport Gallery   Big Love (large format)

Dec    2011    Art Hang, Santa Cruz, CA

July    2010    Stripe, Santa Cruz

Apr    2010    Oswald, Santa Cruz, CA

Sept   2009    Pearl Canyon Gallery, Carmel, CA

June   2008    Mill Gallery, Santa Cruz CA    Art for Art, Group Invitational

Mar   2008    Santa Cruz County Bank Arts Collaborative   Abstractions

Feb    2008    Lawrence Gallery, Portland, OR

Sept   2003    Monterey Museum of Art Juried Exhibition, Monterey, CA

May   2002    Smith Gallery, UC Santa Cruz   Exemplary Contemporary Juried Exhibition

Oct     2001    Monterey Museum of Art Juried Exhibition, Monterey, CA

May   1998    Many Hands Gallery, Santa Cruz, CA

Dec    1997   Pacific Grove Art Center, Pacific Grove, CA  One Woman Show

Jan     1995    Galleria Tonantzin, San Juan Bautista, CA

Sept   1984    Los Angeles County Art Museum, Los Angeles, CA


(Beth Shields resume continuation)



Participation in: Los Angeles Art Museum Rental Gallery, Santa Cruz County Art Museum Rental Gallery, The Splat Art Tour 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. The Santa Cruz County Open Studio Tour  1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019; Art & Chocolate Tour 2008, 2009, 2011. Santa Cruz Open Studio Committee, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015; Member, Tannery Arts Artist's Advisory Committee 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. Rydell Arts Nominee 2008, 2013. PVAC (Pajaro Valley Arts) Board Member 2015-2020. PVAC Board VP 2015-2016.

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